Nick Maurer - EP - (Sponsored Artist)

Nick Maurer - EP - (Sponsored Artist)

My Name is Nick Maurer and I’m a writer, singer, and multi instrumentalist that has been making music since I was 12 (11 years). Started with guitar then taught myself piano when I was 16, when I was 18 I wanted to be able to record myself so to start building a home studio. Recorded a band called Matthew James and the Rust Belt Union when I was 22 and I was later asked to play on the record and join the band. After all these years recording and making music I’m finally starting to release my solo work which is so exciting for me. I just put out an instrumental EP containing 8 songs titled Wake Up, and next week (7/17/18) I’ll also be releasing another EP which will actually have my vocals on the tracks which I’m super stoked about! I also produce instrumentals for other artists and record solo artists in my studio as well.



