Craymo - December Rain (Carol Of Love - Feautred Aritst

December Rain (Carol Of Love), by Orlando based indie singer/songwriter Craymo, is a song about unrequited love and is dedicated to anyone who has ever loved someone that didn't love them back. It is released in the loving memory of his Mom (Carol Love) who was always there for him through all his heartbreaks in life. December Rain hit #6 on The Euro Indie Music Top 200 Chart after just five weeks on the Chart! Craymo recently won Best Rock Song for December Rain in the 2019 Clouzine International Music Awards. He also won Best Alternative Video in the 2019 Indie Music Channel Awards. December Rain (Carol Of Love) was a Semi-Finalist, Adult Contemporary Caregory in the 2019 UK Songwriting Contest. His anti-bullying song Be Myself won Best Song in Versio 3 of the Worldwide Music Contest and his song for equality and peace One Love One World (We Are One) won Best Video in version 4 of the Worldwide Music Contest. Craymo has been an opening act for Smashmouth, Ozomatli and Fishbone. His songs have been featured in TV shows The Mysteries of Laura, NBC, Toddlers and Tiaras, TLC, Chris and John To The Rescue (Canada) and several indie feature films including Gabe The Cupid Dog, Leaving Hollywood and the opening theme song for Miss Castaway ( featuring a cameo role by Michael Jackson).