The Stars of Disaster shares new LP "In the Trough of the Wave" + focus track 'Dodge'

The Stars of Disaster started playing together in February 2019, in Pittsburgh.
The songs started coming in 2014, when Anthony Schiappa returned home after making a go of it as an airline baggage handler in upstate New York, an academic in NYC, and an exile in Scandinavia. Back in his Steubenville, OH basement, trying to stave off the terrors of clock-punching and memory, Anthony rediscovered his childhood love for playing music and writing songs.
Anthony started recording the songs in Pittsburgh, with friends old and new. They were recorded guerrilla style: in friends’ apartments, in Anthony’s sister’s house, in clubs during off-hours, wherever they could. Eventually, they had a record: Love Won’t Save You.
To come alive onstage, the record needed a band, and it got one: Anthony is joined by Kate Daly (the hi-frequencies) on bass, David Brockschmidt (Benefits) on drums, and Chicago native Jesus Geoffrey Martinez (Burning Luck) on lead guitar.
Anthony’s main influences are Guided by Voices, early R.E.M., and early Ween. Amid these touchstones, you will hear Anthony’s own style. It’s a blend of claustrophobic themes and non-stop get-down that Kate calls “composed mania.” Mike Baltzer of Benefits calls the aesthetic “Rust-Belt garage psych.”