Mark Ambuter 'Love is Everywhere' - Featured Artist

I am a Singer/Songwriter...
I love big songs that take the listener on an emotional journey...the instrumentals are just as important to me as the vocals to tell that story.
I write acoustic songs however they don't stay that way long they grow into something much more substantial check out my songs "Love Is Everywhere" and "37" or "You Make Everything Alright."
Three years ago I started working with Legendary Music Producer Stuart Epps (Elton John, Led Zeppelin") for the first time in my life, I really like my own music, finally, I'm playing songs, "Rock Songs" The kind of songs you don't hear very often anymore... songs that I would want to listen to Myself.
Spotify -
I started my career in music some time ago, For all intents and purposes I Had wrapped up my musical life and I had settled into a relaxing Life of Love and Commitment... However Our lives never really settle... around every corner there's incredible events both Good and Bad heading point blank for us. If we get to complacent we'll never see what's coming for us up ahead... I could not have prepared myself for the path that lay ahead... in a nutshell everyone and everything I held Dear was to be taken away leaving me completely lost and alone.
I was desperate to keep from falling through the cracks. With no one left to turn to I desperately needed direction in my life and once again I found direction in my music like I did when I was a kid.
I looked & nothing I had done musically in the past was still available... that also was unacceptable.
I started over again... My aim to Keep my mind from going where it will go... so with nothing more than blind ambition, I stand before you today humbled and willing to prove to you and myself that I still got it... It took only a year to garner over a million streams of my newest songs... so as long as your listening... I'll keep playing...
I still have a lot to say and an even stronger desire to be loved and respected by a countless number of strangers... I'm not out to prove anything to anybody or to get a free ride. I just want to keep busy write and play my music and as long as you can find room for me at your musical table... I'm grateful to be included...
Mark Ambuter is my real name and what I call my music..."