Ashley Woodruff – The Feeling - Featured Artist

Ashley Woodruff – The Feeling - Featured Artist

Ashley Woodruff sings a song of love on the potent “The Feeling”. Everything about it radiates with goodwill. Lyrics focus upon the beauty that affection can bring, the small gestures of care and compassion offering a sense of true contentment. Melodically vibrant the way the arrangement and the lyrics merge to become one feels poetic. Words are chosen with the utmost of care for the way that the evolution of the groove happens feels naturalistic. Done with such attention to detail the myriad number of ways works wonders. Stylistically Ashley Woodruff draws from ambient, trance, and pop merging these many forms into a singular stream of consciousness.

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                Not a moment is wasted for the song begins immediately. Atmosphere proves to be of the greatest importance as she makes sure that the way the many layers intermingle feels gorgeous. The neon-hued joy of the synthesizer feels outright poignant. With lyrics the journey unfurls in a careful fashion. Layer upon layer is woven together to create a vast tapestry. Rhythms have a pastoral aura to them while they make sure that the beauty has a force of nature quality to it. Intrinsically there is a bit of classical that helps to underpin the whole of the track. Her voice wafts up into the heavens in a way that feels ever so satisfy. So reassuring there is a great calm that rests front and center of it all. 

                “The Feeling” shows off Ashley Woodruff’s impressive vocal delivery with lyrics that truly move the very heart.